Agricultural Biotechnology Market

What are Key Factors Driving the Growth of Agricultural Biotechnology Market?

The world’s population has grown constantly since the age of human beings began; for example, in 1800 the population across the globe was under 1 billion, which has now, almost dramatically, risen to 7.7 billion. With this surging population, the need for enhancing the productivity of everything, for catering to the requirements of the people, has increased as well. This includes the productivity in agricultural fields, of course. In the old days, the only concern of people was to somehow grow enough food for their survival, and while survival is the major concern today as well, the priorities of the human race seem to have shifted.

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Farming used to be the primary occupation in the past, but since the advent of industries and machines, the agricultural sector has somewhat been neglected. At the present time, however, there is a pressing need for increasing the agricultural productivity, which is why a number of technological advancements have occurred in the agricultural sector. One of such developments is the emergence of agricultural biotechnology, which involves the utilization of science for modifying animals and plants. This is done to breed out undesirable characteristics, such as low productivity and susceptibility to diseases. Furthermore, any beneficial traits can be bred in by making use of a gene which contains the specific characteristic.

North America was the largest agricultural biotechnology market in the past, which is ascribed to the growing adoption of genetically modified crops in the U.S. In addition to this, as per reports by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications in 2016, a considerable increase was registered in the hectares of land being used for biotechnology crops in the predominantly industrial countries. Canada and the U.S. were among the key contributors to this, because of the rise in the cultivation of genetically modified crops. The reasons for the rising adoption of genetically modified crops in the U.S. include advantages such as higher crop yields, decrease in the application of pesticides, and higher returns from farming operations.

Hence, agricultural biotechnology is increasingly being adopted for increasing the agricultural productivity.