Electronic Shelf Label Market

Efficiency and Innovation on the Shelf: Exploring the Growth and Opportunities in the Electronic Shelf Label Market

With digitization happening in every aspect of marketing, whether it is ordering products or receiving payments, all the things have gone electronic. Not only this, the shelf labels that we once used to see in any shop or mart have also become electronic. This electrification of the shelf labels has made the life of shoppers and marketers quite simple. 

 This blog will focus on the fact that, why ESLs, which have long been hovering around the world have now become a mainstream practice. Well, there are certain reasons that have helped these labels to make it to the mainstream.

Providing Better Chances of Instant Purchasing

It is a common perception of the customers to research about the products in traditional stores, and actually buy them from an online channel because of better pricing. 

 ESLs enable the retailers to easily update the cost of the products on the basis of the present-day pricing of all the competition, allowing in-store dynamic pricing. Even if customers search the net, they will find prices matching your prices, which increases the possibility of them purchasing the products they need, then and there.

Accuracy is Ensured with Electronic Shelf Labels

It is often the case that the paper labels are moved by customers, or outdated info is displayed. ESLs improve label accuracy. It is due to the fact that firstly,  they cannot go missing, as they are attached to the shelf. Secondly, with info fed from a centralized system, ESLs display accurate info for every product.

Reducing the Paper and Plastic Waste

Businesses want to cut down on waste in all forms, such as paper and plastic. Not using paper labels is a way to achieve this. Printing thousands of labels means excessive using of paper and plastics. Imagine, if there is no use for a paper or plastic label in any marketplace of the world, how much paper can be saved, and the waste reduced.

Staff Optimization is Possible 

It is a damn time-consuming task to replace thousands of paper labels, and this can take a toll on a marketplace, when it is the rush hour.  Doing the process of label-swapping manually is a task prone to human errors, thus lowering the accuracy of labelling. When product labels are updated from a centralized system, there is no need of employing additional manpower, helps in freeing up staff for tackling other tasks or assisting customers in a better way. 

Browse detailed report on Electronic Shelf Label Market Business Strategies, and Regional Outlook