Insulin Delivery Device Market

Insulin Delivery Device Market to Have a Bright Future

Diabetes is a fairly common, but menacing disorder, affecting 422 million in 2014, as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Its complications include kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and eye disorders. Along with aging, which is its most common cause, improper diet, lack of exercise, and other poor lifestyle choices can also cause diabetes. Though there is no treatment for the condition, there is one proven way to control it — insulin intake.

As diabetes is often a direct result of aging, the increasing geriatric population plays an important role in the rising demand for insulin delivery devices. The elderly are prone to illnesses, owing to their low physical and immunological strength. With age, their normal biological functions slow down, the pancreas often becoming non-functional, which is why the prevalence of diabetes increases sharply with age. As per the United Nations, people over the age of 60 would account for 21.1% of the global population by 2050, increasing from to 11.7% in 2013, thereby leading to more diabetes patients. 

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Concerned at the growing prevalence of the disease, various organizations are initiating programs to increase the awareness of people on the issue. World Diabetes Day is observed on 14th November in several countries, such as the U.S., the U.K., Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, and India. As part of the initiative, seminars, campaigns, and conferences are held to make people aware on the causes, preventive measures, effects and complications, and control methods of the disorder. With rising awareness, people are getting tested for the diseases, and if diagnosed, are making appointments with endocrinologists for effective management. 

Therefore, with the growing population of the elderly and the obese, diabetes would claim more victims, which would further push the demand for insulin delivery devices in the near future.