U.S. Engine-Driven Welder Market

U.S. Engine-Driven Welder Market To Reach USD 185.8 Million by 2030

In the recent past, the value of the U.S. engine-driven welder market was USD 122.3 million, and it will progress at a rate of 4.8% by the end of this decade, for reaching USD 185.8 million by 2030, as it is mentioned in a report by P&S intelligence.

The increasing requirement for these devices for dual procedures in the mining sector is one of the key factors driving the industry. They are needed for repairs of mining equipment and eliminate cracks or spoiled parts. Furthermore, they are essential for powering other devices in the absence of electric power.

Because of the dual operating competences of these welders, mining firms are inclined toward them as a main and backup power supply, along with for metalworking purposes.

With the surge in mining activities, the requirement for repairing mining equipment will rise, which, in turn, will positively impact the U.S. engine-driven welder market.

Engine-driven welders are mainly employed in the construction industry for welding steel in commercial and residential sites and weld construction equipment. The construction sector in the country has witnessed stable growth in the past, and this will continue in the coming years. 

With construction activities shifting to remote areas, where there is uncertainty regarding the power availability, the requirement for engine-integrated welders will increase. This is due to their ability to serve as welding machines and, simultaneously, supply power at construction locations.

The requirement for 300–399A engine-driven welders will grow at a higher rate, of about 5%, reaching over USD 38 million in sales by 2030. This growth has a lot to do with their large-scale usage in pipeline, maintenance, construction, fabrication, repair, and structural steelwork uses. 

Furthermore, the requirement for these variants has increased in the agriculture industry for fabrication of equipment and repair applications.

It is because of the growing requirement for engine-driven welders for dual operations in the mining industry, the demand for engine-driven welders will grow substantially in the future in the U.S.